Do You Think the Positives of Tourism in Kenya Outweigh the Negatives

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Do you think the positives of tourism in Kenya outweigh the negatives? The positives include important aspects like jobs and money. Local people have a chance to learn new skills and make money because of tourism. The foreign currency being brought in by tourists can be used to improve local services like education. More jobs can be created for local people by using the money brought in to create new businesses there for creating more opportunities. Tourists can experience the different culture and traditions they don’t see in their own country. They also get to see the unique environment and landscape while being educated about wildlife. Even though tourism brings in a lot of money not all of the money stays in the local community, some profits go to foreign companies like hotel chains. As well as taking the profits the foreign companies could be bringing in foreign workers and not employing local workers. This leaves only the poorly-paid jobs for local people. Locals are pushed away from their community because house prices are pushed up and more tourists buy holiday homes or invest into properties for hotels. Projects for locals may not be seen as important as developments for tourists. If tourists want entertainment and not education then it could be humiliating and embarrassing for the local people with their lifestyle. Wildlife could change their behaviour because of being disrupted by tourists and the pollution caused could affect their health and habitat. I think tourism is bad to Kenya because of its locals and wildlife. The tourists affect the wildlife’s behaviour to become more known to humans and less wild. This is unfair; they shouldn’t be disturbed from their natural state of living. In a way it’s the same for the locals. They are being pushed out of their homes because of living expenses as more foreigners want to make a profit from the land. They

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