Do You Agree with the View That the Decisive Influence in Shaping the Reformation of the 1530’s Was Thomas Cromwell’s Idea of the Nation State?

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Do you agree with the view that the decisive influence in shaping the reformation of the 1530’s was Thomas Cromwell’s Idea of the Nation State? The reformation of the English Church and the break with Rome are arguably the most poignant moments in the Henry VIII’s rule. It marked the start of the nation state, and the Church of England. Although Henry played a vital role in the reformation there were others around him who also contributed towards it, and shaped it into what it became. Namely Cromwell and Cranmer played important roles, and overall I agree with the view that the decisive influence in shaping the reformation was Thomas Cromwell due to his closeness to the king and willingness to entirely devote his time and resources into the reformation. The feeling in Source 7 is that Cromwell played an important role in swaying the mind of the king against the clergy, and into reformation. In his ‘supplication against the ordinaries’ Cromwell attacks the clergy saying they make laws without Henry, some of which “clash with the laws off your kingdom”. Here Cromwell might be referring to the law of preamunire, which forbade the following of a foreign law over that of the kings. His influence over the king on this matter could then be shown to have an effect where in the early 1530’s Henry went on to charge all the Clergy with preamunire, and threatened a few with death. This supplication was drafted by Cromwell as early as 1529, showing his devotion to the topic, and tendency towards hard work; a fact that is corroborated by Loades in source 8, where he describes Cromwell as having “a phenomenal capacity for hard work”. This ability to completely devout oneself could be what allowed Cromwell to have such an influence over the reformation. This supplication was used to bring about the submission of the clergy, an act that was passed in 1534, to royal authority and

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