Do You Agree with the Suggestion in Source 6 That Henry and Wolsey Conducted an Effective Foreign Policy in the Years 1515-25?

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Although source 6 describes Henry and Wolsey’s foreign policies as failures, David Gross ell does go on to write that Wolsey succeeded in bringing glory and honour. This is reinforced by other successes in their foreign policies, for example the field of cloth of gold which extravagance impressed the likes of many, and showed other possible allies the extent of Henry’s supposed wealth. This can also be seen in source 4, depicting fountains flowing with wine. However, as far as their foreign policies are concerned, by and large they were a massive failure, as seen in source 5 “never saw the time so needful for the King’s Highness to call his council”. Other examples include Henrys betrayal by Charles, the uproar caused by the Anglo-French alliance and the Amicable Grant. Nevertheless, the extent of the failure can be greatly disputed, for their were some successes such as the treaty of London, and although the field of cloth of gold failed to achieve anything diplomatic, it still brought a lot of honour as mentioned above. Source 6 greatly contradicts the claim that Henry and Wolsey conducted an effective foreign policy, “failed to bring great gains to the country”. This is further reinforced by other policies that they introduced, the amicable grant 1525 and the Anglo-French alliance both of which resulted in huge unpopularity and debt. Similarly in source 5, the dukes of Norfolk describe how they “never saw the time so needful for the King’s Highness to call his council”. However, the reliability of source 5 can be scrutinised, as it was written during the period that Wolsey had failed to grant a divorce for Henry’s marriage, and so therefore the duke of Norfolk (Anne’s uncle) no longer had need of him. Consequently the strong use of language is very typical, such as “never”, “needful” and “evil-disposed”. Nevertheless, source 6 does describe how although some
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