Do You Agree with Single Sex Schools

425 Words2 Pages
I don’t agree with single-sex schools because there is competition everywhere between girls and girls, boys and boys, and boys and girls. It encourages sexism, like, girls won’t be able to talk to boys, and it doesn’t help girls to cope and stay stronger with boys As for the word "competing," One do not quite understand how the issue of competition between males and females could lead to a desire for same-sex schools. School is a competition. Life is a competition. America is the land of competition, how can it be avoided? In school, there is no evidence of male versus female, but rather student versus student. That is the essence of our grading system, isn't it? And our entire school system. The "smartest" kids get the A's, the "dumbest" the remedial classes, or even, the remedial schools. If there is any sort of competition in school of girls against boys, it's purpose isn't to isolate either gender group, or prove the dominance of one over the other. If so, then we have a bigger problem. Imagine if children were seperated at the preschool or daycare age. They would never learn to interact with the opposite sex, and this would encourage unwanted sexist morales to nestle in the young mind. The sexes would involuntarily become wary of one another, and think it is okay to be afraid or intolerant toward the other. Girls and boys would be left to imagine the other, possibly fabricating and making up what they didn't know. Or worse, they would develop prejudices against one another, as in the segregation of white children from black children during the mid-twentieth century. This would most likely be avoided if parents and other outside influences taught children to be tolerate of one another, but nothing teaches like experience. It is most probable that the reason boys get more attention in the classroom because they are, "statistically," at young ages,

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