Do You Agree or Disagree with the Following Statement? Children Should Only Play Sports for Fun, Not in Competition or Contests

374 Words2 Pages
I fundamentally disagree to the statement that children should combine with fun with competition as a inevitable parts in their daily life. As the famous sayings goes, no rest makes Jack a dule boy, therefore playing is neccesary part in daily life and also playing can make a contribution to the development in Children's study. A small example is not far to seek, once there were a famous reasearch in China, which are composed of two groups of children, one are asked to studying all days in their life and the children in the group never asked to join some interesting sports such as basketballs, footballs; the other groups who are asked to gather the play and study together. The results are that the those who are spend some time playing sports can achieve much more grades than that one. For this case, no one can deny that there is no one can deny that high importance of playing in children life. Besides the need of play for the childrene development, the competion and contest from their live and work is also necessary for their development. As we grow up. the society become more and more striking competitive, consider if the children grow up without the the competion or stress from their rivalry, how they can face the challenge and difficulty in their life. Only they may learn some lesson from their mistakes that causes the failure in the competion and contest can they fufill their dream and finish their work etc. As a result, competion and contests, in this way, provide the method for children to survive in the future. Finally, combining the play with the competion can make children realise develop's their skills in health. For examples, playing actually palys a important roles that helps the children to interact with other childres, that means it can prompt their social skills and even team works. Meanwhile, when playing, for some special games

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