Do School Put Too Much Of Pressure On Child ?

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In the 21st century, the lifestyle of a common person is, traveling with lightening speed. A speed mingled with cut-throat competition to hoist the flag of success in the desired field, all with the budding population and limited opportunities, paves a path of a slow and steady race. Initiating kids from nursery to high school gates, parents hope for the best in every step. But unaware that the education systems are commercial complexes built with piles of money, that only emphasizes learning knowledge for a better standard of living but ceased morals of life. Now a days, education plays a vital role for any gender. This demand calls for more upcoming schools that provide the best for kids, so there lays a brand competition between schools. Simultaneously they prepare an army to shoulder their brand name. All these acts are to advertise their student resource as their brand ambassadors, in order to achieve this goal, they impel and instruct the kids to be over smart, and are pressurized with various concepts than their small minds can absorb. Recently, we can see a number of competitive entrance exams. All these mind-tricking exams are even loaded on small kids, just to stand in a smart school. Coming across these smart schools, we may find a military teaching, that efforts to weigh heavy projects on the little shoulders of kids. In course of all these teachings, a fast trend of exam pattern confuses their small brains. The best example we see in these days is weekly to monthly exams, that encourages high-level competitions, and acts as a filter for the schools to bring up their limited student resource, and to provide the best guidance only for these selected kids. This pushes others to study to their fate. Within these cooperate schools, many higher level studies like AIEE is introduced in lower classes itself. In olden days, holidays used to ring bells

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