There are lots of people who are unaware of puppy mills and what they do, because of this they can help contribute towards them without realising that they are. Contribution towards puppy mills and puppy farms is simply done by purchasing puppies from the pet shop. A puppy mill can have anywhere between 200 to 300 female dogs and 50 male dogs which are forced to breed to create puppies to sell to pet shops. The dogs are kept in confined cages their whole life and never
Furthermore, Petsmart’s vast selection makes it easy to find exactly what you want. I hate settling for any item. If I do not like what I am buying, what is the point of spending the money? Petsmart has many of the same items, but each one is built in a different way. For example, the collars I buy for my dogs have reflective tape so that you can see them when a car’s headlights shine on the collar.
Does The Current Animal Welfare Legislation Need To Be Revised In Order To Eliminate Puppy Mills? In America today, a puppy is a staple of the family, but where do the puppies come from? Most families do not consider that question when they purchase their new pet. It is very easy to go the pet store or shelter and fall in love with a puppy’s adorable face. Their big wanting eyes and wagging tails draw you in without any evidence of their history or how they got to where they are.
It may end up hurting the responsible breeders out there and not affecting the desperate ones as the reputable ones don't profit much at all. I have listed a few thoughts on possible solutions. 1) Ban pet stores that sell dogs purchased from puppy mills from operating. 2) The need to enact legislation that would regulate breeding operations. 3) Educate the public on how these mills operate and the conditions the animals live in.
Judy Champion Ms. Corkran ENG 101 5 December 2011 A Chihuahua Puppy should not be Shipped at Eight Weeks of Age One of the greatest worries a professional Chihuahua breeder struggles with is the safety of a pet that must be shipped via the airlines. There is not a huge venue of options available to the prospective owners that need a puppy shipped across the country. One additional option the purchaser may inquire about is private pet transport services. Private pet transport services offer the convenience of door-to-door delivery of the pets. However, it is often difficult to acquire accurate health statistics for private pet transport services as they do not report to any government agencies or pet organizations.
In the article its also says that people are calling the vet on weekends and on there days off. People get out of control I have only once ever taken my pet to the vet and that was to get in neutered. Because I didn’t want to have a litter of puppies and have more of a waist of money. In conclusion I agree with him about people spending too much money on
The example shows that society, including our pets, are somewhat overweight but they are coming out with new products to help change that all the time. This particular commercial was about Pedigree light dog food for overweight dogs Part 2: I am not really skeptical about the sources credibility because they are basically just discussing issues in the world and the government. It is an
Some animals are pulled out of their habitat and are used as research; yet some humans think they do not deserve any rights because they are animals. Throughout this paper I will portray examples of possibilities that can be used to change the life of an animal in the food industry, as a pet in homes and as research in laboratories; we need to help them have a better life even if we are going to use them as food, a companion and even as a science experiment, they have the right to enjoy life even if it’s for a moment. Factory farms today, thousands of animals are crammed into filthy, windowless sheds and confined to wire cages, gestation crates, barren dirt lots, and other cruel confinement systems. The factory farming industry strives to maximize output while minimizing costs of course at the animals' expense. The giant corporations that run most factory farms have found that they can make more money by cramming animals into tiny spaces, even though many of the animals get sick and some die.
People have yet to realize that their favorite type of deodorant or those good-smelling fragrances they like to put on were once tested on animals. These animals are forced to swallow or inhale large quantities of a test substance or endure the pain of having chemicals applied to their sensitive eyes and skin (Peta). Many times the results of animal tests are often not applicable to humans, but even if a product has blinded an animal, it can still be marketed to you. Many testing centers keep such animals out of their natural surroundings, until time to experiment on them. Throughout that time these animals become so unadapt to their new surroundings, they become less likely to return to their natural state which gives those experimenting more reason to test them.
Zookeepers give the animals their food, while vets will provide the animals preventive medicine, quarantine and many more. Furthermore, many zoos share the mission of educating the public, protecting endangered species and breeding them. However, there are some zoos that might be purely profit-driven. The zookeepers treat the animals very cruelly, by hitting the animals if they misbehave, by keeping them in small cages and forcing them to perform in front of the audience. Animals in zoos feel that no habitat can beat their natural habitat.