Do Men And Women Communicate

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Do men and women really communicate differently? There have been several studies conducted that indicates yes we do communicate differently depending on our gender. Research found that men are more likely to discuss current-events, music, sports, business, and other men. Where as women on the other hand spend more time talking about their children, personal and domestic subjects, weight, food, clothing, and how good the guy looks next door. Looking at my interactions with people, I see that this type of stereotyping is correct. Talking with female friends, I see where we do talk about family, illness, what husbands do and don’t do, trying to find something new to cook for dinner, or just sit and plain gossip. The more I become aware of this type of conversation, the more I wonder why as women do what we do. When women speak to their husbands about something, we do not get empathy from them like when they talk to us about something. Men tend to be more direct with their response’s, they need to vent about their problems, and find ways to handle certain things. This is why we as women discuss more with other women. When it comes to overall conversations with a mixed group, men tend to use more judgmental adjective’s, directive’s, and the “I” references. Where as women tend to use more intensive adverbs, emotional reference, and contradictions. A man’s conversation tends to be more self-serving, and women tend to have more of a relational goal in mind. Throughout time women have been tough to be more submissive then men. That’s why research has shown that men interrupt more during a conversation and offer less eye contact then women. Women are also considered to be less powerful speakers then men. Women do have a more accommodating way of speaking. Women can be more
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