Do leaders manage or do managers lead

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Do managers lead or do leaders manage? The same could be argued as to whether who came first: the chicken or the egg? Management and leadership can exist within the same position. It is effectively two sides of the same coin. They are NOT the same thing however. It is up to how the individual decides to handle the situation that gives him a character as to whether he is managing or leading. Key differences between a manager and a leader A manager will be concerned of where you are, whereas a leader will take you to a new place. A manager will deal with the complexity, whereas a leader will deal with the uncertainty. A manager is more concerned about the underlying facts, whereas a leader makes decisions. A manager is concerned with doing things right, whereas a leader is concerned with doing the right things. A manager's primary objective is efficiency, whereas a leader focuses on effectiveness. A manager creates policies, whereas a leader establishes procedures. A manager sees and hears what is going on, whereas a leader hears when there is no sound and sees when there is no light. A manager finds answers and solutions, whereas a leader formulates the questions and identifies the problems. A manager will look for similarities between current and previous problems, whereas a leader looks for differences. A manager will thinks that a successful solution to a management problem can be used again but a leader on the other hand will wonder whether the problem in a new environment might require a different solution. Leaders have vision. They can take a complete company into the future. They boldly go where no one has gone before. Leaders develop new processes, new organisations or new departments within an organisation. They define what the future of the company or department should be like. They then align all the people to that vision and inspire them
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