Divine Comedy by Dante

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What makes people unhappy? That is the question that Dante has been struggling with as he sees his society. Through analyzing what is good and bad in the world in which he has lived, he develops the story called The Divine Comedy. The Divine Comedy is made out of three sections, Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. Dante, a main character, goes to the spiritual journey with Virgil, his guide. In order for him to express his understanding and belief of the true human nature, Dante, as an author, emphasizes on the experiences of the main character and dramatic images throughout the story. In Canto XIII, the author, introduces the reader many images of where Dante, the character, is in; the place where people who have committed suicide are located. “No green leaves in that forest, only black; no branches straight and smooth, but knotted, gnarled; no fruits were there, but briers bearing poison” (4-6). As Dante describes the images of healthy trees, he also describes the unhealthy trees, so that the reader can understand easily that they are located in hell, and there is something wrong with them. By presenting unhealthy tree, Dante, as the author, reflects the negation of life, and dark and depressing phase of suicidal action. The image of tree, which contains the spirit of people who have committed suicide, also represents the sinner who are trapped themselves in their own believes that what they have done are right thing to do. Since they believe that what they have done is right and do not realize their mistake, Dante, as the author, places them in hell. He also puts there the image of Harpies, which is the bird with human head living on the unhealthy tree. The birds are known that they peck themselves until they bleed when they become extremely stressed out. That is why the image of Harpies is significant. Like the birds destroy by pecking
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