Distortion in Perception and Understanding Due to “Idols”

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Distortion in Perception and Understanding Due to “Idols” The understanding of the world is limited due to bias and prejudice. People tend to ignore the whole picture and rather focus on the small picture that they have locked themselves in. Francis Bacon wrote “The Four Idols” to “[interpret] nature what the doctrine [of idols] of the refutation of sophisms is to common logic” (882). Bacon talks about how the “four idols” suggest limitation and perception in understanding. The Idols of the Tribe is described as “foundation in human nature itself, and in the tribe or race of men” (882). This type of idols analyzes and judges based on human standard. The Idols of the Tribe has a limitation because human beings don’t see all things that exist in the world as itself but from the standpoint of human feelings and position, which shows that humans are biased anthropocentrically. For example, people say bird sings and butterfly dances, which are from their point of view. In reality, bird is not singing but making a sound for mating or butterfly is not dancing but just flying. Bacon states, “all perceptions as well of the sense as of the mind are according to the measure of the individual and not according to the measure of the universe” (882). Bacon explains the Idols of the Cave as “the individual man” (882). This type of idols has uniqueness from each individual’s unique experiences such as hobby, personality, environment, education, and habit that create a prejudice. For example, people who have this type of idols are like a big fish in a small pond. Another example is different blind men touching different parts of an elephant. The blind men would have different arguments and points because they had different experiences. This shows a limitation in individual due to personal training, orientation, or role. Bacon states, “[…] everyone… has a cave… which refracts and

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