Distance Learning Vs Traditional Learning

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Traditional learning is having face-to-face contact with student and teacher. Most traditional learning classrooms are designed where the teacher is giving direct instruction and students are listening and taking notes. Although, in the last decade, teachers are creating more interactive lessons where students are more engaged in the learning process. Instructors are using hand held white boards, simulation games, role-playing, reciprocal teaching, and multi-level grouping to keep their classrooms evolving and more interactive. The technological revolution have bombarded the traditional classroom with many advances such as electronic grade books like Zangle, laptop computers and Ipads have changed the way students do and hand in homework, the black board have been replaced with the whiteboard and the latest innovation, the smart board. Kent Norman describes this as the electronic classroom in his book, Teaching in the Switched on Classroom. The electronic classroom will enhance learning but will not change the curriculum or content according to Norman. Traditional learning states Peter Drucker (as cited by Lenzer & Johnson, 1997) will be replaced by distance learning in the next thirty years. Personally, the traditional classroom with the teacher, the blackboard and student contact is my preference, but lately the distance learning platform is winning me over because balancing my graduate studies, my career, family, and home is nearly possible. Distance learning has been around for many years via classes through the mail and the airwaves, television; however, the Internet, telecommunication, and networks have revolutionized the distance-learning craze. Eli Noam (19950 states that the university buildings, dorms, and research center will be replaced by the distance-learning format in the near future. The distance learning consortium allow learners to study on

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