Disruptive Behaviour Among Children

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INTRODUCTION Disruptive behavior can be defined as any behaviour that disturbs, interferes with, disrupts, or prevents any normal operations at home, school or any other place. A disruptive student is one, who through his/her behavior, speech or actions, interferes with academic activity. This can be physical or verbal abuse; willful damage to person or institution property; disorderly conduct; indecent or obscene behavior, use of illicit drugs and alcohol. Disruptive behavior also includes anything that distracts or intimidates students or disrupts teaching. Disruptive behavior disorders are a group of mental disorders of children and adolescents consisting of behaviour that violates social norms. Disruptive behavior disorders in children are characterized by poor social relationships due to extremes of aggressiveness, lying, defiance, irritability, blaming others, cruelty, stealing, destructiveness, and rage. Disruptive Behavior Disorders are the most common types of disorders that affect children. It is also referred to as create problems, Antisocial Behavior or External Behavioral Problems. There are three common types of disruptive disorders: Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Conduct Disorder (CD), and Impulse Control Disorder. There are number of factors which lead to disruptive behavior among the children. Disruptive behavior disorders are considered to be one of the most prominent reasons for children to be referred to psychologists and clinical social workers for diagnosis and treatment. There are some children in general population may show signs and symptoms of disruptive behavior patterns at some point of time or the other. The child’s family and school environment shapes the personality of the child. There are many factors involved in these two units which may lead to disruptive behavior. Many aspects of classroom life may contribute to

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