Disney Ethics and Compliance

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Ethics and Compliance Numerous aspects of Disney establish the financial environment surrounding Walt Disney’s empire. In addition to assessing ethics and compliance, determine the procedures that Walt Disney set in place to ensure ethical behavior. Understanding the financial markets in the United States as significant institutions we investigate the process Disney uses to meet terms mandated by SEC (Security and Exchange Commission). Using financial ratios and the calculations over the past two years, we identify Disney’s financial performance. Finally, we discuss the trend of the ratios that determine Disney’s financial health. Ethics and Compliance In accordance with ethics and compliance of the financial environment surrounding Disney, proves the commitment to conduct business dealings in accordance with elevated standards surrounding ethics and compliance in conjunction with relevant laws and regulations. In addition to the commitment of ethical behavior and compliance, the board of directors and the employees promote a certain standard of performance; not to mention the adoption of a precise code of conduct, business conduct, and ethics that is crucial to the levels of the company. Directors and employee uphold every element that revolves around commitment, integrity, and equality. The company has an obligation to uphold the interest of shareholders, make fair judgments, and have a dedication to their fundamental duties. According to Walt Disney’s business standards “Compliance training, including training regarding the Company's Standards of Business Conduct and ethics, is provided to employees and Cast Members worldwide through the Company's learning management system known as Disney Development Connection. It is the Company's intent, through its compliance training, to ensure that all of its employees and Cast Members have the knowledge and training

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