Disney & Edith Hamiliton's Depiction of the Film, Hercules

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There are many of stories and movies told about the gods and goddess of Greek mythology, but here are two known ones. One of the stories is Edith Hamilton’s, Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes. The other is the movie “Hercules” created by Disney. Heroes have been around for a long time. They have been around for many centuries and have helped thousands of people in many ways. Edith Hamilton’s depiction of Hercules is very similar but different to what Disney portrays him as. Edith Hamilton describes Hercules as a loving person with some brains as well as being “the strongest man on earth” (167). He has some intelligence when ordered to do twelve labors when he brought two rivers to clean filthy horse stalls. When Hercules was dealing with the Titan, Atlas, Atlas tricked him into holding the world for a long period of time, while he goes and gets what Hercules needed, only not giving him what he needed when he returns. So Hercules tricks Atlas into holding the world for a moment while he takes some of the pressure off his back, and continues on with his remaining labors. He has exceptional strength after having months of training. But it all added up when he had to “kill the Lion of Nemea” (171). and carry it on his back, back to Mycenae, and bring back the cattle of Geryon, a monster with three bodies attached to it, also back to Mycenae. Over his lifetime, Hercules has done things no man or god has ever thought of doing, but showed a lot of change and progress in his travels and strength over time. Disney describes Hercules as a young clumsy boy who grows up into one of the worlds greatest heroes. When he was a young boy, he was very clumsy. He knocked almost each thing over, and never really fit it with the other children and teenagers. As an adult, he was clumsy too, knocking over the arms off a famous statue, the Venus de Milo, while skipping

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