Disillusionment In Education

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What are the concerns relevant stakeholders have when engaging in the transition? The transition from teacher-driven learning to more student-led learning is a concern for parents. Responsibility falls on the child to complete schoolwork and parents commented that students must have the appropriate structures to cope with the added workload. The parents of children with academic challenges have the most concern. They feel that the help afforded to these students in their primary education may not be readily available at secondary level (O’Brien, 2004 p.38). The concept of the chrono-system is supported through the viewpoints of the various stakeholders in the education of children. The differences within the current Irish education system…show more content…
He paid particular attention to the upper minority having a great impact and influence on the learning of the dominated majority. The policies as set forth by those in charge of the educational system have a direct influence on those undertaking the transition from primary to secondary school. In Ireland the education system reflects the ideals of the White Irish majority and can also serve as a reflection for the concerns of relevant stakeholders (Freire, 1998 & CSO, 2011). The ESRI (2004) suggests a number of curriculum and support structures to be put in place between the two educational settings. These include “pre-entry contact between the post-primary school, incoming students, and their parents or guardians, connections with and build on the learning that has taken place in primary school, a positive school climate that encourages good relations among students and between students and teachers, the careful monitoring of students’ progress to identify those who need extra support, the provision to parents and guardians of accessible information on all aspects of first year” (as cited by DES, 2007,…show more content…
The participants in the research conducted were in favour of a shift towards a focus on the bioecological perspective as theorised by Bronfenbrenner and an emphasis on relationships as a guiding light in the development of children with specific emphasis on the transition. “Particularly, we recommend that research, policy and practice take account of diversity, since uni-cultural approaches may exacerbate pre-existing inequalities. Equally, we must recognise and respond to the understanding that positive relationships can change lives” (p.
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