Discuss Two or More Psychological Explanations of Phobic Disorders

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Discuss two or more psychological explanations of phobic disorders (8 marks + 16 marks) One psychological explanation for phobic disorders can be explained by the behavioural approach. This approach proposes that phobias are acquired through conditioning. The case study of Little Albert showed he developed a fear of white furry objects through classical conditioning as he had experienced a furry rat, the neutral stimulus, being associated with a loud noise, the unconditioned stimulus (UCS). The UCS produced an unconditioned response of fear and the furry object, now a conditioned stimulus, acquired the same properties so that when Albert saw it he cried because he was scared. Sue et al. found people with phobias recall a specific incident when their phobia first appeared, e.g. being bitten by a dog, therefore showing research support for classical conditioning in developing a phobia. However, not everyone who has a phobia can recall such an incident, although Ost argues it may be that such traumatic incidents have been repressed. In addition, not everyone who is bitten by a dog develops a phobia, which the diathesis-stress model can explain in terms of those with a genetic vulnerability for phobias would only be affected by such events. This can also be explained by biological preparedness as it may be that fear responses are only learned when the neutral stimulus is an ancient fear. Bergman failed to condition a fear response in infants by pairing a loud bell with wooden blocks which therefore supports this assumption as the conditioned stimulus was not an ancient fear and participants did not acquire a fear towards it.Mowrer proposed the two-process theory suggesting that phobias are firstly acquired through classical conditioning and secondly maintained through operant conditioning, where the avoidance of the phobic stimulus reduces fear and is thus
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