Discuss The Main Factors Affecting Product Pricin

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|ECON 10081 | |Discuss the Main Factors Affecting Product Pricing in the UK | |UID: 7540341 Yuanyuan Shao | |Tutor: Samuel Kobina Annim 28-10-2009 | There are various methods that can be used by firms to achieve their goals, and a successful pricing is one of the most efficient ways. However, there are some factors that affecting product pricing and it is not an easy job to set an appropriate pricing. In this essay, the main factors affecting product pricing in the UK would be divided into two parts and discussed from these two sides. Firstly, the factors would be talked about from the internal aspect, for example, the firms’ objectives. Secondly, the external factors like the market structure would be mentioned. Firstly, there are several factors from the inside of firms which affect the product pricing in the UK. First, the types of the products that firms produce or sell directly locate the ranges of price the products should be in, for instance, if the product is a type of luxury, the price of it may be higher. Second, when firms try to set the prices of their products, usually, the market shares of the firms would determine whether they are price leaders or price taker; if the firm occupies a large part of the market share, thus, the firm is more likely a price leader, then it can set the price more depending on its own wills and the price is on a leading position in the whole market; it will be more effective to other firms. However, if the market share of the firm is relatively small, so it is a price taker and when it set the price of its product it needs to consider or follow the price that set by the price leader. Third, the objectives of firms and strategies play the important roles

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