Discuss the Issues Surrounding the Role of Innovation in the Economic Growth Process. Refer to Industry Examples to Support Your Answer.

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Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship. The act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth. Peter Drucker Nowadays in the era of globalization and technological developments, some terms and concepts that govern the world economy are seen in a new way. An example of such a term can be an innovation which is seen more and more as the appropriate tool to create business value. We can observe the dynamic structures of the developed economies to move towards industry and services based on knowledge. The key to competitiveness is innovation; pace of change in technology and organization makes enterprise capable of introducing innovative changes that may stay on the market. And this concerns not only companies but whole countries. The growing role of innovation is shaping international competitiveness where the key issue is to sustain economic growth. European economy is weakening compared to the United States which also reveals a slower pace of economic growth. European countries spent about 30 % less financial resources in the past 20 years on research and development, which results in level of life, European GDP is less 30% than American in last 20 years. R&D plays a vital role in new business concepts, innovative processes and products. The author of the initial quote Drucker (1969) promoted the thesis that the issues of marketing and innovation are more important than the state's finances, but on the other hand, Acs and Audretsch (1990) showed that most innovative US firms are large corporations with large R&D laboratories, using the direct measure of innovative output. So, how developing countries can compete with the most innovative countries who undertake huge investments in R&D? Answer here, follow Kleinknecht (1991), may be a small firms where informal R&D is considerable within smaller enterprises. The number of
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