Discuss the Issue of Gender Bias in Psychology

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Discuss the issue of gender bias in psychology Gender bias is looking at one particular gender and considering it as the normal gender. There is a large problem with psychology being seen as gender bias in favour of men, often devaluing women or simply ignoring them in their studies. An example of this is Asch, who only looked at male students, meaning that his findings can’t be generalised to women. Aristotle viewed women as a deformity in terms of both physiology and biology. Kitzinger (1988) believes that questioning whether women can do certain activities such as going to university or having certain positions in government are often used for political reasons to save men’s jobs or protect them from losing face to an inferior woman. When considering whether psychology is gender bias or not, it is often wondered whether this only exists within Western cultures. William and Best (1982) carried out a large scale survey of gender stereotypes in 30 different cultures. They found that how women were viewed in comparison to men was similar across various cultures. Men were seen as dominant and aggressive, whereas women were seen as nurturing and deferent. These findings suggest that there is a kind of universal biological basis for gender stereotypes. However, this study is influenced by alpha bias, as it is exaggerating how people view women. Not all men are going to see women as only fitting into weaker, more nurturing categories. A stronger study was done by Whyte (1978) who considered 93 non-industrialised cultures and found that in 67% of these cultures, men dominated the women. There was found to be equality in 30% of the cultures and in the remaining 3% the women dominated the men. He concluded that the less industrialised a culture was, the more likely the man would be to dominate the women. This study can be said to support the theory of a
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