Discuss the Implications of the Findings in This Hsrc Study on Sexist and Racist Stereotypes in School Textbooks for Teachers in the Classroom:

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Essay Discuss the implications of the findings in this HSRC study on sexist and racist stereotypes in school textbooks for teachers in the classroom: We are going to talk today what the implications are of what the HSRC study found during their study. They stand for Human Science Research council. They did a study on sexist and racist stereotypes in school textbooks that are still being used in schools today for teaching. They analysed learning materials that are being used in South African schools. First I am going to go through the different definitions of what we are going to talk about to explain what it means according the Oxford dictionary and what I understand regarding it. Stereotyping: “ a fixed idea of image that many people have of a particular of person or thing but which is often not true in reality.” I think it means that image or things are being though to people from a small age regarding a specific image or thing and that it is not true. Race:” a group of persons, animals or plants – connected by common decent or origin.” To me it is a group of people that are regarded under the same origin or cultural or race group. Racism:” unfair treatment of people who belong to a different race and show violent behaviour towards them.” It is when a person is being emotionally or physical being attach just because their colour. Sexism:” unfair treatment of people especially woman, because of their sex, the attitude that causes this legislation designed to combat sexism in the workplace.” It is when there is a discrimination toward a certain sex for instance against woman. Classism:” a group of people, animals or things that have similar characteristics or qualities” “One of the groups of the people in society that are thought of as being at the same school or economic level (working, middle or upper class).”

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