The Peloponnesian War erupted from 431-404 BCE between the Spartans and the empire of the Athenians. Prior to this war the two enemies were allies against the Persians, but turned on each other. Reasons for this war were, power, greed, and treason between the two armies. Both of these powers wanted to be the most powerful and this caused a conflict amongst themselves. Athenians had been in previous wars and as time progressed it was clear that Athens had to be rebuilt, as the reconstruction process proceeded the Athenian empire began to dominate their allies politically and economically.
This military strength helped Sparta defeat Athens and emerge victorious from the Peloponnesian War between 431-404 BC. However, this victory was at great cost. The subsequent defeat by Thebes in 371 BC Battle of Leuctra ended Sparta’s prominent role in Ancient Greece. Despite the loss of control, Sparta managed to maintain political independence until the Roman conquest of Greece in 146 BC. This led to a long period of decline for the once powerful Sparta.
The Reasons For The War Of 1812 The Reasons for the War of 1812 The War of 1812 was a result of almost a decade of tension filled years between the British government and the American colonies. President James Madison requested a declaration of war to protect the economical foundation for America. In this research paper I will explain the reasons leading up to the War of 1812. Reasons’ being the Impressments of American ships, Economic losses for American caused by Impressment, the suspicions of British army’s supplying weapons to the Indians and the argument in Congress for and against the war. Impressment was a policy of forced recruitment of sailors by the British Royal Navy during the late 18th and early 19th century.
Now just like in the first war Sparta couldn’t do it alone; so they asked the Persians to help conquer Athens. They asked their own enemy for help. This truly was a good example of history repeating itself. Mainly because Spartans defeated the Persians on land and Athenians defeated them in the sea. This time Spartans defeated the Athenians on land and the Persians defeated the Athenians in the sea.
However, these different texts provide historians with a range of accounts that challenges the various evidence in presenting a singular, reliable account of the Trojan War, but they are useful in presenting the idea that war did take place. A text that provides historians with information about the Trojan War is Homer's Iliad. Written in 8th century BC, the Iliad is an epic poem that presents evidence to suggest the Trojan War was a significant event in society. Homer's Iliad gives an account of the events that caused the Trojan War. He writes that the war began when Helen, the wife of King Menelaus left for Troy with Paris, the son of the Trojan King.
This first part of the Vietnam War lasted from about 1954 all the way until all the way until the early 1960’s which is when the full all out war decides to happen. And finally after an intense 12 year war the war starts to slowly wind down, ending in a military victory but a moral loss for the American war effort. Altogether the hardships of the Vietnam War far outweigh the benefits and it was not for the common good of the country that we entered the Vietnam War. In 1887 Vietnam was turned into part of the French colony of Indo-China and it was later taken over by the Japanese during WW2. After the defeat of the Japanese empire in 1945, Vietnam was taken back under French control and military troops were used to hold the peace.
Essays xix. The Peloponnesian War started when Megara and Thebes was forced into the Confederacy of Delos. They then decided to revolt with the help of Sparta, but that ended a decisive victory for Sparta and a peace treaty with Athens. Athens chose to break the deal and they went after Potidaea, but that ended up as a draw. Pericles was a very strategic leader and they decided to start another war by going to the source, Sparta.
This motion however was interrupted by the battle and was completed after Persian defeat at Plataea in 479 BC. This marks the initiation of Themistocles push towards a naval focus. The naval war between Athens and Aegina was quite significant for
AP World History: World Civilizations: The Global Experience Part II The Classical Period: 1000 B.C.E. to 500 C.E. : Uniting Large Regions Chapter 5: Classical Civilizations in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (Greece & Persia) • Textbook Error: on page 102, the textbook refers to a naval battle between the Persians and Greeks that happened at the “Straits of Thermopylae”. This is incorrect. The naval battle won by the Greeks happened at the Straits of Salamis, while the 500 Spartans previously made a valiant last stand against the Persians at the Pass of Thermopylae in northern Greece.
There were various factors behind on why the Estates General was called in 1789 but the two main factors can be seen as the critical financial crisis in France and also the failure of reforms. In 1786, Calonne, the Controller General, told Louis that the country was in the verge of bankruptcy – there were deficit of 112 million being made due to the extravagant and lavish spending of the royal expenditure compared to how much they were earning. In two years, the deficit increased to 126 million livres, worsening the situation. The financial crisis was the result of France being at war for the past 20 years. First, the War of Austrian Succession 1740 to 1748, then Seven Years War which lasted from 1756 to 1763 and caused France to lose huge amounts of overseas territory due to its defeat.