Discuss the Advantages and Disadvantages of This New Influence on Your Community.

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A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near you community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position In my opinion building a large factory near my community will bring positive consequences such as creating new places of work and developing the town. However, I think that the negative results will be more. Building a large factory will cause pollution of the air and water, wronging people’s health and destroying the small-town feel. On one hand, the idea for a factory near my community is good because many people will be able to find a decent job for themselves. In my town the economics and infrastructure are still in transition and the standard of life is not as high as it is in the towns of Western Europe and North America. So a large number of young people with high qualification are unable to find a job because the market of labor does not provide enough opportunities. So I think that building a large factory in my town will have a wonderful affection on all these young men and women who are looking for a prosperous place of work. In my opinion this idea will also be beneficial for the population because the town itself will develop greatly. Many famous and huge companies would choose to invest in a place where they see that the progress, such as building a large factory, is on. The changes will be obvious for everybody and every aspect of the economics will prosper. On the other hand, I think that building a large factory near my community will cause many after-effects. One of the most dangerous is the pollution of air and water. It is well-known that all kinds of factories release some harmful industrial waste. And everybody can assess the situation when be speaking of a large factory. The waste will be extremely much. And although

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