Analysis Of The Relationship Between The French And Industrial Revolutions

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Thesis: The French and Industrial Revolutions are very alike and very different in the same sentence and liberalism, romanticism, and nationalism are some of the factors that make them so important to history. The textbook discusses both the French Revolution and then the Industrial Revolution, but then it brings the two together and tries to get the reader to understand the similarities and the reasons for both by comparing them. Neither of the revolutions probably would have taken place without the other, they both needed aspects of the other to come to being. The French Revolution took place because France had for centuries had rules that dominated that people and kept the wealth happy and the poor down. Farms were forced to be share croppers where they rented their land for a very high price, farmed and harvested it and then sold it at market. The problem with this is that the rent that the farmers were being charged was so high that they could never make any money to get ahead in life and they were constantly concerned with their crops. If their crops failed then they would not be able to pay the lord that owned they land and then they may not even be able to eat. This cycle went on in France for many years until the Industrial Revolution started and people started to move away from the farms and into the big cities where work could be found. The Industrial Revolutions started for many reasons but some of the most important were science and technology, inventions and greed. When the factories were built and jobs were offered many people moved from the farm life the only life they had ever known into the city in hopes of finding a better life. Unfortunately, that is not what they found. They factories payed very little, they where dark, cramped, hot, and dangerous. Then to make things work

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