Discuss How Workplace Factors May Affect Stress

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Discuss how workplace factors may affect stress Different scientists have come up with ways of testing the relationship between workplace factors and the stress associated with them. These workplace factors may include a qualitative or quantative workloads, deadlines and long work hours, and these factors can lead to stress related illnesses which can result in absenteeism. Marmot et al (1997) used a questionnaire, as well as a health screening for signs of heart disease, to find a link between workplace factors and stress related illness. His research showed that employees with low job control were around three times more likely to suffer from heart attacks than those with high job control, suggesting that it was desirable to have high job control so as to limit the chances of heart disease. However, Caplan et al (1975) contradicts this research, finding that ambitious employees, similar to those with high job control in Marmot’s study, were more likely to suffer from stress related illness. This means that neither source was particularly reliable. Johansson et al (1978) used a different method of data gathering, instead choosing to complete a study on the stress reactions in highly mechanised work. He used urine samples to discover the link between high-risk finishers and low-risk cleaners, and their stress levels. Johansson concluded that work stressors, like repetitiveness and high levels of responsibility, create long term physiological arousal leading that stress-related illness and absenteeism. This study backs up Caplan’s findings of high stress jobs leading to stress-related illness. Marmot and Johanssen clearly contradict each other; however, Johansson’s results are more reliable as he took urine samples which contained hormones related to stress, whereas Marmot used a questionnaire, which the candidates could lie on, making the results
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