Discuss How the Components of a Balanced Diet

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P2/M1 Task sheet 1st submission: 2/12/13 2nd submission: 13/1/14 (P2) Write a report that identifies three dietary needs for each of the five life stages. (200 words) 1 reference required (M1) Discuss how the components of a balanced diet contribute to an individual’s health at different life stages. Choose and discuss two different life stages (300 words) 2 references required Infancy * Give reason why each nutrient is needed by infants and give examples of rich food sources. * Carbohydrates and Fats * Proteins * Iron * Vitamin C * Vitamin A * Vitamin D * Calcium Explain how the various nutrients contribute to the health of the infant - when deficient in the diet or found in excess. http://www.eatwell.gov.uk/agesandstages/ Childhood * Give reason why each nutrient is needed by the children. * Give examples of rich food sources for each nutrient which are suitable for children. * Carbohydrates * Fats – Omega 3 * Proteins * Calcium * Iron * Folic acid * Vitamin C * Vitamin A * Vitamin D * Explain how the various nutrients contribute to the health of the child - when deficient in the diet or found in excess. http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/treatments/healthy_living/nutrition/life_children.shtml http://www.eatwell.gov.uk/agesandstages/children/yrchild http://www.nutrition.org.uk/nutritionscience/life/school-children Adolescence * Give reason why each nutrient is needed during adolescence and give examples of rich food sources. * Protein * Fibre * Carbohydrates * Fat * Vitamin B * Vitamin A * Calcium * Vitamin D * Fluoride * Iron * Vitamin C * Explain how the various nutrients contribute

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