Discrimination Worksheet Essay

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Write a 100- to 200-word response to each of the following questions. Provide citations for all the sources you use. What is discrimination? How is discrimination different from prejudice and stereotyping? Discrimination- unlawful discrimination occurs when a person is harassed or treated arbitrarily or different because of their membership in a “protected class”. A protected class is a group of two people who share common characteristics and are protected from discrimination and harassment by the law. Prejudice refers to negative judgments and/or views about a group formed without knowledge, though, or reason. A stereotype is a (often negative) generalization about a group based upon samples that do not represent the group, in which the generalization becomes so well-known it becomes a “conventional image” for the group in question., often accepted as the truth by the illogical bunch. Stereotypes could be a form of prejudice if they are negative generalizations. Discrimination is the act of excluding a group from some right, privilege, or service “based upon” prejudice and stereotyping. What are the causes of discrimination? Causes of discrimination can be many things it usually with race, sex, religion or even weight and I think it's a lot with how we are brought up if we are brought up in a family that discriminates people then usually we think that it's okay to do this or if you hang out with a group of kids that discriminate or make fun of others then you tend to do it to fit in your thinking that you are cool. To me there is really no reason for discrimination everyone should be treated equally and everyone should be treated the same and get the same right. To me the main thing is just ignorance. How is discrimination faced by one identity group (race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability) the same
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