Discrimination Against Felons Essay

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The prevalant discrimination of felons in the united states today Today I will address the egregious discrimination of convicted felons in this country. Felons suffer severe discrimination when it comes to employment, and housing. I believe that those who would discriminate against felons in these two areas are in fact not only committing a crime against the individual but against our society as a whole. We are taught growing up that we live in a fair country that gives people second chances. I say to you, that while this may be mostly true, there is still a group of people in this country who are routinely and unfairly treated due to past mistakes. I understand the argument that employers and housing management companies make that it is a testament to someone’s character that they at one point had such a blatant disregard of the rules to commit a…show more content…
I was denied employment from every place I applied to. On multiple occasions I was called in for an interview, only to find out mid-interview that the company doesn’t hire felons. Sometimes I would make it through two or even three interviews with the same company only to be denied when a background check was run. Or I would apply for an apartment only to be turned down due to the results of a criminal background check. I can tell you that this constant rejection from two very vital foundations of a person’s life is very disheartening. Forcing someone to have no source of income and/or no home due to discrimination is wrong. I believe that it is a crime against humanity and is un-American. America was founded by people who were seeking freedom from persecution and discrimination. This country has fought all sorts of injustices, from slavery to segregation and the right for women to vote, but yet in this day and age people are still getting away with discrimination. What happened to the values that we as a country have fought
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