Discourse Analysis In Language

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To Taiwo (2007), CDA is a field of study which has paved the ways for the linguists to find out the hidden ideologies behind seemingly simple and plain words. Language is no longer seen as merely reflecting out reality, but as central to creating reality. Van Dijk (1993) assumes that language is not a neutral tool for transmitting messages, as it constitutes a particular way of understanding the world. CDA in research is used as a critical linguistic approach to testify the overt relationship of struggle and conflict as it is expressed, constituted and legitimized by language use (Wodak & Meyer, 2001). ”. In this context, Van Dijk (1998) demonstrates that Critical Discourse Analysis is a branch of discourse analysis that fundamentally…show more content…
Intensification, mitigation Table (1) description of discursive strategies (Wodak, 2001, p74) I am interested in the above four types of discursive strategies, because they are all involved in the positive self and negative other presentation, which I will be analyzing in Netanyahu's speech Representations of social actors The representations of social actors in my study will be grounded in linguistics and the use of language and grammar in shaping the role of actors in the society (Van Leewen, 2008, p.38) The following elements of analysis of Van Leeuwen’s (2008) method function as one of the essential criterion for the analysis: Inclusion/ exclusion, suppression, role allocation, functionalization, and impersonalisation. Analysis Discursive strategies or strategies of self- and other presentations are adopted in this study to highlight the political and linguistic aim embedded in Netanyahu's speech. A- Nomination: nomination is the construction of in-groups and out groups. Examples in the speech is "Hamas fired thousands of rockets at Israel"," That's why Israel's fight against Hamas is not just our fight. It's your…show more content…
The topos of danger and threat means that if there was a specific danger or threat, one should do something against it. This argumentation stratgiy is clear in the following examples: "But our hopes and the world's hope for peace are in danger. Because everywhere we look, militant Islam is on the march." As Hamas's charter makes clear, Hamas’s immediate goal is to destroy Israel."" "Iran, the world’s most dangerous state in the world's most dangerous region, would obtain the world’s most dangerous weapons. Allowing that to happen would pose the gravest threat to us all. " "Imagine how much more dangerous the Islamic State, ISIS, would be if it possessed chemical weapons". Netanyahu pointed out the real danger behind Iran ,ISIS, and Hamas. Phrases such as 'in danger', 'dangerous', ' and gravest threat' indicated the idea of topos of danger and threat. 4-Topos of defense The last topos, defense, is exclusively and extensively used by Netanyahu. This topos is used to argue the right of self-defense to legitimize the violation of human rights and massacres committed by Israel in the war. Additionally, the word defense has been used six times in the speech. In other words, Netanyahu presented Palestinians as violating the security of Israel, while Israel conformed to
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