Disappearing Species Essay

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The Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey, the Variegated Electric Ray, and the Spotted Owl are just a few species that are endangered on the planet. Unfortunately there are too many endangered species to manage efficiently. Although much legislation have been passed to protect these species, abounding amounts of organisms become extinct every year. This is causing major issues in the environment with ruptures in food chains and losses in biodiversity. Regardless of environmental factors, the lives of these endangered species play a major role in commercial, medicinal, and agricultural areas in humans’ lives. Humans should be held liable to the declining population of certain organisms, and uses their resources to improve environmental stability. In the past, people have not taken enough responsibility for endangered animals. It was not very long ago that the first laws were made to protect endangered species. In the United States, the first major legislation to protect these animals was the Endangered Species Act of 1966. This was less than fifty years ago. An endangered organism is one that is “in danger of extinction throughout all of its range”. A threatened species is one that is “likely [soon] to become endangered”. Laws protecting endangered species usually declare that endangered animals should not be killed, injured, or captured. It is vital for these laws to prevent threatened and endangered animals from becoming extinct. These laws need to become stricter and more protective with larger fines. This will better protect the world’s endangered organisms. (“Endangered Species Act”) “[Non-native species} already have been implicated in the loss of more species than climate change or any other human-related factor except perhaps habitat alteration.” (George Wuerthner) This is just one prevalent example of humans having a negative impact on the Earth’s species. Experts
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