Since these are not normal vessels, the blood vessels often leak blood or other fluid into the tissue of the macula, forming blisters and cysts of fluid that damage the retina. The first symptoms of wet macular degeneration are often when straight lines look wavy or the middle of the vision is blurry. This can be scary for someone so seeing the nearest eye doctor is always best when this happens. Being diagnosed with wet AMD early on is good because one is able to prevent it from getting
(Detroit: Gale, 2010) epilepsy affects 1-2% of the population of the United States. Although epilepsy is as common in adults over 60 as in children under 10, 25% of all cases develop before the age of five. One in every two cases develops before the age of 25. About 125,000 new cases of epilepsy are diagnosed each year, and a significant number of children and adults that have not been diagnosed or treated have
Mumps virus attacks the salivary glands causing edema and life threatening complications. This virus is spread through droplets from coughing or sneezing. Whooping cough is a disease that causes severe respiratory problems and is highly contagious but it is more common in infants and children. It can be life threatening in infants because the coughing spells can be so bad that they cannot catch their breath. Seeing a child with whooping cough can be very traumatic.
The kidneys main job is to filter blood. In those with diabetes, sugar that is filtered from the blood damages the blood vessels in the kidneys over time, known as Kidney disease (Nephropathy). Sugar in the blood damages the peripheral nervous system (part of the nervous system that works the arms, legs and other extremities). Affected patients report pain, tingling or buzzing sensations in their hands and/or feet. Complete numbness in the limbs is also common.
this form of lupus can cause payralization If lupus attacks the brain, it may cause seizures, leading to stroke-like paralysis and worse. Also poisoning of the blood do to the body attacking itself .The emotional distress of this disease is most common to lead to depression before, and during due to the fact that this disease is difficult diagnose. The most affected by this is women of all ages but found most common in the ages (20-45).women are actually 8 times more susceptible to SLE than men although they can still be effected. Although there is currently no cure for SLE at the moment there are immunosuppressant’s drugs such as
Some people might find that they will cry or laugh for no reason. They can also feel really tired. -bladder problems: the bladder is controlled by the nervous system, so MS might cause bladder issues, such as no control of the bladder resulting in wetting themselves, or needing the toilet more than normal. Billy had trouble with his balance and his bladder a lot, he also suffered from a few muscle spasms which caused him to go to the Doctors. The causes of multiple sclerosis: MS happens because of the damage to the nerve fibres of the central nervous system.
The vaccine has shown to be very affective, the number of under 30 has drop since it was introduced. Also the number if babies born with a disability cause by rubella. In the year before the vaccine was introduced in the UK, 86,000 children caught measles and 16 died. Because of the MMR vaccine, no child has died from acute measles in the UK since 1992. 5.
An example of the dangers of not vaccinating children showed in 2012. When Dr. Wakefield’s autism study came out in 1998, many of the parents of Port Talbot, Wales, resisted the MMR vaccine. Close to fifteen years later, a measles epidemic plagued the southwest region of Wales. This disease “infected 1,219 people in southwest Wales between November 2012 and early July, compared with 105 cases in all of Wales in 2011” (Whalen). More recently in the US, “The 117 U.S. cases (of measles) reported in the first half of 2013 alone are up from 54 in all of 2012” (Bednar, 44) Even diseases long thought to be part of the past come back
Childhood Cancer Childhood cancers are not the same as those that develop in adults. Childhood cancers often develop from changes in the DNA that happen early on in your life, some even before the child is born. Adult cancers are normally liked to lifestyle or environmental risk factors but that is not the case with childhood cancers ( What is the differences between cancers in adults and children ?). Childhood cancer is rare, it accounts for about seven thousand six hundred cases annually in the United States, this is less than one percent of the total cancer incidences ( The cancer Book , 168). Cancer is the second leading cause of death in children under the age of fifteen, second only to accidents( The cancer Book,168).
Obesity also increases the risk the risk of developing diabetes. Being obese also increase your chances of having a heart attack, and could cause certain types of cancer. Adolescent stress- This is obviously been brought to our attention more this year than ever with all the uncommon events that occurred in the last couple of months. A lot of people usually say that the teenage years are going to be your best years but they forgot to state that it would also be some of your most stressful times. More and more teenagers are committing suicide today than ever and the rates are growing rapidly.