Dimensional Fund Advisors

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Dimensional Fund Advisors, 2002 Case Analysis Introduction Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA) was an investment firm founded in 1981 by Booth and Rex Sinquefield with focused on investing in stocks of small capitalization. DFA was dedicated to the principle of efficient stock market. In additional to efficient markets, DFA believes in two other principles: the value of sound academic research and the ability of skilled traders to contribute to a fund’s profits even when the investment was inherently passive. * My thought of the firm I think the DFA’s business strategy with beliefs on the core principles would make it profitable comparing with other investment peers, which has been proven by its strong return of U.S. small Cap value portfolio shown in Exhibit 8. The DFA also believes to purse high net worth individuals that would increase its total management assets so as to generate more profits through registered investment advisors (RIAs), showing significant assets growth over time in Exhibit 2. Besides, the Exhibit 5 shows that DFA’s fees are lower than those of most actively managed funds but higher than those of pure index funds. Therefore, DFA operating passive funds would provide its competitive position in the market and improve investor’s wealth in the current and future time. * Justify whether DFA people believes in efficient market According to efficient market hypothesis, the stock price should reflect all relevant information, which means the stock should be fairly priced regardless of any feasible analysis. However, in fact, the DFA people do not believe market is efficient because their core principles indicate profit depends on value of academic research and ability of skilled trader. * Justify whether the Fama-French findings make sense CAPM: Fama-French: In asset pricing model, CAPM, uses only one variable, beta, to describe

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