Digital Divide Essay

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1. What do you mean by digital divide? The term digital divide explains the gap between people in a society which are divided into groups of people who are able and have access to modern devices and technology and people who don’t. This usually happens between people in modern cities and people in countryside. • Examples of digital divide: o People who have aces to the internet o People who are unable to get a computer. 2. List the causes for digital divide. • Poverty: people who are poor are unable to afford buying modern devices and technologies; therefore they are digitally divided from people who are able to buy the devices. • Gender: girls have always been known to care about hair, makeup and their looks, therefore they are not encouraged to get a modern device or use it, so they are digitally divided from other boys who are encouraged enough to use the devices. • Age: old people didn’t grow up with technology being around, so they are not familiar with it and are unable to use it and not encouraged to buy it, therefore they are digitally divided from the younger generation who constantly use modern devices and are able to keep up with it. • Disability: people who are physically disabled are unable to use modern devices even though some businesses try to make their devices usable by all kinds of people. However, disabled people are still digitally divided from the people who are able to use any modern device. • Nationality: some people who do not have the knowledge of the English language may not be able to use all modern devices where as mostly all devices are English language based, therefore people who do not have knowledge of the English are digitally divided from the people who have knowledge of English language. 3. What are the implications of digital divide on society? Digital divide could be conquered by: • Market

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