Diffusion And Osmosis Dbq

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INTRODUCTION Diffusion and osmosis are central concepts in biology,both are at the same cellular and org In order for cells to interact and function effectively used chemicals and other essential substances must be able to move across the cell membranes and across the cells. Due to this, liquid molecules are always randomly in motion and at different directions.As they move, there is a possibility to spread out from areas with fewer molecules.This process of spreading out is called diffusion. Diffusion takes place constantly around us, in our body system and therefore very necessary to our cell functioning. It allows certain substance to move in and out of cell walls from a higher concentration to a lower concentration of solute. For example oxygen diffuse from the air sacks in the lungs into the blood capillaries because the concentration of oxygen is higher in the air sacs and lower in the capillary blood. Osmosis is a kind of diffusion. Osmosis takes place when a substance diffuses across a semi-permieable membrane from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration of solute.Due to this,cells are affected by the kind of solution that comes into contact with it. The kind of solution that comes into contact with the cell can lead to changes in the cell.The three known solutions to be discussed under the study are insotonic, hypotonic and hypertonic solution. A solution is hypotonic when the concentration of the solute in the solution is lower than the concentration of solute in the cell. Water will therefore move into the cell. The increase in fluid causes the cell to swell and possibly burst a process

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