Diffirence Between Childhood Back and Now

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Childhood Today and Back Then Everyone is fond of his or her childhood. It is a time when we are the most energetic, playful and imaginative just to name a few. But over the years, as technology grew, the times spent outside exploring and developing social skills are decreasing. Children’s pastime activities are changing tremendously, the things I use to do as a child growing up is either no longer being done or they are not being done enough. I am now at an age where I notice the changes technology has brought to our society. Having experienced both I can tell you that there are plenty of differences between the times now and then; and as we have differences we still have a few similarities but the differences far outweigh the similarities. I believe the best memories come from our pastime activities, those activities help shape us into becoming who we are. This is why there is no surprise to see as society changes so does the trends not only in adult activities but in children’s activity as well. To begin, as the time changes so have the ways children spend their free times. As a child growing up, I remember I use to love going outside and exploring. My friends and I use to go outside, climb trees and play in dirt. We use to play in the rain, ride bikes, climb on jungle gyms and swing from ropes. When you’re a child, the best part of life is spent outside with your friends, running up and down, scrapping your knees, getting into trouble and doing things you’re not supposed to. Those are the days you sit back and reminisce on when you get older. Traditional games such as dodge ball, hide and seek, tag, I spy or doctor plus many other games were some of the few games my friends and I use to play. They brought excitement into our lives, helped build our social skills and made good use of our wild imagination. Going on little adventures through the neighborhood,

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