| The COSHH regulation has influence health and social care settings because they now ensure that risk assessments are carried out so that hazardous substances are noticed quicker to minimise the risk of people becoming wounded. Another influence that COSHH has had on health and social care environments is to have a better quality of staff training. Furthermore health surveillance has been influence in health and social care settings to ensure people’s health is protected. Lastly plans have been put into place so that if accidents do occur then they can be dealt with quickly and effectively. | The COSSH regulation promotes the safety of individuals with in a health and social care setting through abiding to the regulations.
Health psychologists seek to understand and work around the effects that certain behaviors have on ones health. They also study and focus on how a person’s health can impact their behavior and emotions. Their main goals are to prevent illness, help treat the illness, and overall promote good health. They are constantly trying to find treatments and influences in order to cure or help their patient(s) with their illness. Positive Psychology.
The purpose of the Public Health is to help individuals remain healthy and also to protect them from anything that can be seen as a threat to their lives. The government wants everyone to have the ability to make healthier choices and to minimize the impact and risks of ill health. Organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) the government, the National Statistics Office and the Health Protection Agency collect data about death and illness and interpret it. The World Health Organization collects information about health on an international and a national level and then compare between the countries. The government collects information to give to different policies.
Contribute to raising awareness of health Task 1 1.1 Reasons why it may be necessary to raise awareness of health issues: Raising awareness of health issues increases the chance of issues being detected in the early stages, it educates people about the issues, how to diagnose them and how to treat them, and the healthier people are the less likely they are to have health issues. 1.2 The roles of agencies and others who may be involved in raising awareness of health issues: Community nurses and doctors will promote awareness of illness and lifestyle choices that may affect your health, the government and local councils will have policy’s and legislation about what must be done about health care. Be up to date on infection control and cross
There are three main approaches to health education. The approaches have been used to as a way to improve the health of individual. The three approaches are social marketing approach, roles of mass media and community development approach. Health education authorities use different approaches to promote health education. They use different ways such as social marketing like posters on buses and the marketing is based on the focusing on what people need help with and how to help them to stop their habits and also to help them know about the risks that they are putting themselves, in order to promote the health education criteria.
Thomas about her disease and its outcome may be needed. Explaining how cancer metastasis and what to expect at each stage will give Mrs. Thomas a sense of control. It will allow her to make informed decisions about her own care such as; implementing advance directives and or code status documents. Reiterate that pain control will give her more quality time with loved ones and allow her to be independent for as long as possible. The goal is to keep her pain under control if not completely relieved.
By health and social care professionals following policies and procedures, it would ensure that it can be done in a more correct and safer way, by people reporting that the actual/suspected abuse is happening; it would reduce the chances of more vulnerable service user having to be a victim of actual/suspected abuse. By health and social care professional reporting that actual/suspected abuse is happening, it would decrease the amount of abuse that is happening. It would also decrease the amount of abuse cases that occur. By all health and social care professional report/sharing that they are aware that there is some kind of abuse happening, they would protect be protecting everyone and increase the service users
Doctors for example, would take preventative measures to help the individual that he/she is dealing with. If the patient isn’t getting better then it looks bad on the doctor as he isn’t doing everything he can to ensure the patient is getting better. An example of this would be for a patient to stop smoking. If a patient is a heavy smoker and he has lung problems, then the doctor could introduce him to the smoking programme that he has enabled and then it is in the patient’s hands whether or not he goes. Then the doctor has done everything he can to try to get the patient to stop smoking.
Contribute to raising awareness of health Task 1 1.1 Reasons why it may be necessary to raise awareness of health issues: Raising awareness of health issues increases the chance of issues being detected in the early stages, it educates people about the issues, how to diagnose them and how to treat them, and the healthier people are the less likely they are to have health issues. 1.2 The roles of agencies and others who may be involved in raising awareness of health issues: Community nurses and doctors will promote awareness of illness and lifestyle choices that may affect your health, the government and local councils will have policy’s and legislation about what must be done about health care. Be up to date on infection control and cross contamination procedures. 1.3 Factors to consider when planning awareness raising activities: As a care worker we should know that raising awareness activities need to be creative. Campaigns are competing for mental space of an audience that is bombarded with many other ideas and messages.
I would recommend that Mr. Bley utilize the senior center to get free hearing loss screening and education about his hearing loss and the dangers of not using his hearing aid. The Senior Center also provides help with smoking cessation, and education about how smoking can worsen emphysema and other pulmonary diseases. The writer relates to this patient, caring for this population daily. The focus of the care that will be provided in the future will now be more geared to understanding the patient. Caring for the patient not only physically, emotionally, and spiritually, but also socially.