Different Roles in Schools

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In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, school governors are members of a school's Governing Body. In state schools they have responsibility for raising school standards through their three key roles of setting strategic direction, ensuring accountability and acting as a critical friend.[1] They are the largest volunteer force in the country Senior management team Head teacher Has overall responsibility for the school, its staff, its pupils and the education they receive. Deputy head teacher Plays a major role in managing the school, particularly in the absence of the head teacher. Often responsible for a curriculum area and/or specific areas of school management. Assistant head teacher Usually only in larger primary schools. Supports the head and deputy head with the management of the school. Early years coordinator Responsible for children in the foundation stage, leading the foundation team of teachers, nursery nurses and teaching assistants. Key stage coordinator Employed to lead and manage either Key Stage 1 or 2. They usually also have a class teaching commitment. Special educational needs coordinator Responsible for day-to-day provision for pupils with special educational needs. Subject leaders and curriculum coordinators Responsible for the leadership and management of a particular curriculum subject. Class teachers may be expected to accept responsibility for an area of the curriculum as part of their normal professional duties. Classroom teachers Plan, prepare and deliver lessons to meet the needs of all pupils, setting and marking work and recording pupil development as necessary. Includes advanced skills teachers and supply teachers. Often work in partnership with teaching assistants. Learning support staff Learning support staff work with teachers in the classroom, helping pupils progress with their learning. They include teaching
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