Different Reasons for Working Under Employer or Self-Employment

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Employment Options Different Reasons for Working under Employer or Self Employment Lupe v. Blair English 121: English Composition Professor Derisi November 04, 2012 The choice of whether to work for yourself or for someone else, you would think, would be an easy individual choice depending on the person. Working for yourself seems to have a lot of benefits; spending time with the family, choosing your own hours, not having someone over you telling you how you should do your job. And, for a lot of people, it is a preference. A lot of mothers choose to work at home as an independent contractor ,because they can spend time with their children, keep their house clean, run errands and not stress out over whether personal everyday things are getting done. Some men choose to work for themselves because they have a specific skill that they know and they prefer to do it their way, so it is easier to do the job their way, on their time, and in return gives them the advantage of feeling the satisfaction of a job well done and completed by them. There are drawbacks to working for yourself though. You really have to discipline yourself to setting a schedule and sticking to it. Then there is the money aspect. The money may be really good, but did you remember to deduct for your taxes that you will have to pay quarterly or will you get a big IRS bill when it is tax time because you did not take out the proper taxes. Then you have the question of whether or not you have the funds to set out towards retirement that you may need one day, then there is insurance that you and your family might need. After all these deductions, do you have enough left over to live on? You will really want to do your research before you make the decision as to whether this is a good choice for you or not. Working for someone sometimes is more beneficial because you don’t have

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