Differences Between Urban and Rural Dwellers

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INTORDUCTION There are so many differences between Urban and Rural dwellers as evidenced by so many factors such as differences in income levels, social interactions, attitudes, life style, access to social services such as education, health, entertainment, economic activities and many others. . Before getting into the main argument, we will try and define who urbanites and who rural dwellers are in trying to answer the question as to weather there are differences between Urban and Rural dwellers, the writer will firstly highlight major differences between these two groups and then concretize the argument on one particular difference dwelling much on social relationships of Urban and Rural dwellers. The flow of the manuscript will start with definition of who urbanities and rural residents are, highlights of major differences between the two groups and narrow down to one particular issues of social relationships between the these two groups. But who are urban dwellers? Urban dwellers are people that reside in cities and towns and undertake their social economic activities within the same cities and towns (Anton, 2010) (p. 9). Urban dwellers are defined by their advanced civic amenities, opportunities for education, facilities for transport, business and social interaction and overall better standard of living. People in urban areas in most cases are engaged in or practice a mixed kind of economy ranging from trading, small farming, labour selling as means for earning income. On other hand, the term rural dwellers refer to people that reside in rural areas and conduct all their social economic activities in places far from the central business place (Anton, 2010). These people are usually in the country side were the most dominant economic activity is farming. From the two definitions above, we can clearly see that there are so many differences between these

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