Differences Between Marxism & Leninism

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Differences Between Marxism & Leninism Key Ideas of Marxism & Leninism - The Difference Between Marxism & Leninism Theory vs. Practicality The ideology that Marx developed was chiefly theoretical in nature. Leninism was an attempt to translate Marxism into the real world; but in the transition from philosophy to reality, Lenin broke from Marx's strategy in a number of ways. He believed that these changes were necessary to make Marxism work in Russia. Economic Views Lenin was forced to look at economic matters in much more detail than Marx. Marx had envisioned communist revolutions taking place in more developed and advanced capitalist states, but Lenin's communism was implemented in Russia, an economically stagnant country mainly inhabited by peasant farmers. Economic and industrial development became a key task in Leninism, while Marx had assumed that his revolutions would take place in countries that already had well-developed industrial and financial infrastructures. Marxist theory held that proletarian revolution was inevitable in capitalist states, as ruling states would suppress moves toward socialism, thus incurring the revolutionary wrath of the working classes. Lenin argued that the expansion of imperialism meant that the working classes never developed this revolutionary consciousness -- the expanding powers and wealth of the industrialized nations meant they could provide their working classes with just enough capital and benefits to dampen any revolutionary feelings. Party Politics Marx believed that the working classes would spontaneously develop class consciousness and push for proletarian revolution. Lenin did not believe this, and he supported the formation of a political party to inform the working classes and direct their efforts against the capitalist system. Lenin believed that it would take an organized and
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