Differences Between Knox,Lyly, Queen Elizabeth

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Similarities and Differences between Knox, Lyly, and Queen Elizabeth Many people have different opinions of women and their rights of authority. Three of those gave their own speech to describe their views of Queen Elizabeth and women’s rights. John Knox wrote “The First Blast of the Trumpet against the Monstrous Regiment of women.” In this speech, he stated his opinion of women’s rule. Another speech was given by Queen Elizabeth to inspire, encourage, and motivate her troops by convincing them what a great queen she is and will be. John Lyly wrote “Euphues and His England,” to describe how great a queen, Queen Elizabeth is. Even though these speeches are all about women’s authority, they have their own differences as well as similarities. In Knox’s speech, he talks about how he thinks women are unfit to rule over men. He uses a variety of vocabulary and appeals to convince the audience that woman should not rule over men. In Lyly’s speech, he states how great the Queen is. Lyly uses appeals such as logos and ethos to back up his opinion of the Queen. For example, uses ethos and logos when he relates the Queen to the Noble Queen of Navarre, and Caesar. The Queen uses appeals to support what she says to the troops to encourage them. She uses evidence of herself to explain why her troops are fighting for her. These speeches are all similar, yet different. Queen Elizabeth and Knox are similar because they both use strong phrases and words to allow the audience to grasp how they feel. For example, Knox uses the words “repugnant” and “phrenetic” to describe the idea of women bearing rule. These words make what Knox has to say, more meaningful. Queen Elizabeth uses words like “obedience” and “valour” to describe what she expects from her soldiers. These words make it seem more important to obey and respect the Queen. The Queen and Knox also use
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