Differences Between Generations

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Every generation of people is different in important ways. How is your generation is different from your parents’ generation? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer. Today, in morocco, my native country, a sixteen years old can smoke in front of his parents without being bothered. A few years ago this comportment could be inacceptable. I can even imagine my father smoking in front of his father even today. Therefore, it seems like every generation of people is different in important ways. Indeed, our comportment is very different today with our parents than their with their parents. So, we are closer than what they were with their parents. For example, I can talk to my mom about my boyfriend, my private and intimae life and, I know that she couldn’t do it with her mom. I think that our parents are more comprehensive. Our parents are little be more open-minded than their parents. However, we are more open-minded than our parents. Moreover, there are lot of other differences between our generation and our parents’ generation. I have fourteen aunts and uncles but, I have only one sister. It’s that mean something? Of course. Our parents are more conscious about their responsibilities concerning their children. I can drop out of school even if I want. School is really important now for us and for our parents who couldn’t do it because our grandparents didn’t care about it. We have to get a degree. It’s really important for all of us. We can have a better professional future and our parents can be proud of us. Thirdly, and I think is the most important difference between our generation and our parent’s generation is the female virginity. For my mom, for example, it still inacceptable that a woman could be married without being virgin. She has to be virgin until her wedding day. Also, “a good girl” can’t know more than man during her life and
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