Differences Between Catholic Religion

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Introduction Here I'm talking about the great change that have prolonged Two religions They shared the same word the word of God! These are the Orthodox Catholic Church and the Roman Catholic Church. Differences between the Orthodox Catholic Church and the Roman Catholic Church: In the first 1000 years of Christianity, the Catholic Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church were one Church, because of this both churches share many things in common, they are "Catholic" (meaning Universal) and "Apostolic" (have "apostolic succession "are heirs to the Christian communities founded by the Apostles themselves) - but there are notable differences between them, which have been increasing over the years. Differences The Roman Catholic Church teaches that souls , after the earthly death , they will give a place called " Purgatory" , where they are cleaned ( " purge" hence the name ) of your minor sins suffering and torments , and then this " spiritual washing " enter Paradise . The Orthodox Church believes that souls after death await the Last Judgment , in a place that is no paradise nor hell . When Jesus told the Good Thief , who was on the Cross : "Remember me, Lord , when you come into your kingdom " , he heard Christ's answer : " Today you will be with me in Paradise " He did not say " I Wait in purgatory and after your cleansing will come to Paradise ," or anything similar . In the Roman Church believes that the Pope and bishops , as their jurisdiction, have power to grant Indulgences to perform certain actions or pray specific prayers , fulfilling the necessary conditions. Indulgences are not to forgive sins , but rather presuppose as a condition for gaining them the remission of them . They are a remission of the temporal penalties which are incurred for sins. These indulgences are applicable to oneself or to the souls in Purgatory

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