Difference Between Humans and Animals

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Butterflies flutter in your stomach, sweat drenches your face because of the fear and anxiety that grips your mind; these are only a few of the symptoms of a problem solely experienced by humans; worry that you have made the wrong choice. All non-humanoid living creatures of any variety make their decisions and behavioural patterns due to instincts, not choice. Choice is the real separator amongst man and beast- it gives us our humanity, and emotions are the consequence of our power to choose. You might see lions on the plane, or zebras in the herd, though upon more investigation, you find they all do the same monotonous exercises all day, religiously. What looks like two cubs choosing to spend their time preforming the luxury of unnecessary wrestling is actually a vital and necessary exercise for young cubs to gain their strength. Meaning they wrestle out of survival instinct and necessity so they do not have choice because it is the only choice which is the equivalent of having no choice at all. Animal’s system of instincts are derived from their environment and allows them to survive all animals actions are related to survival they live with one goal stay alive as long as possible. Luxury is the opposite survival and it is a product of choice. Normal, emotionally healthy people can choose to do things not related to survival and even detrimental to it; the human power of choice is so dangerous because it allows us to choose to be disobedient and it allows us to choose luxury which is hand in hand with laziness. Looking at the bible’s Genesis, Adam and Eve had a free choice when God gave them choice to eat of the tree of knowledge. The humans were given the divine power of choice, because no other creature has choice not even the highest of angels, and for good reason. Blind to many, the Genesis story reveals much of the genius and wisdom of God because the gift
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