Dietary Calorie Requirements of an Active Person

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Research Paper –Leata Te’o 5th period | -What are the dietary calorie requirements of an active person? | (Amount of Calories in different foods, and finding different levels of calorie expanded during physical activities) | Quite simply, athletes need more nutrients than less-active people. Since athletes are more active, they demand more from their bodies than even average fitness buffs and so must compensate with the right nutrients from foods or supplements to keep the body at its peak. The greater the body is in active, the more it is required to take in calories. An average couch potato teenager would require taking about 1100 cal. for females and 1600 for males per day. Although the amount of calories an active person is required to take is far greater than the average couch potato. Active people (athletes in most cases) who don't take in enough calories every day won't be as fast and as strong as they could be and may not be able to maintain their weight. And extreme calorie restriction could lead to growth problems and other serious health risks for girls and guys. Generally, men require more calories per day than women, and younger people need to consume more calories each day than older people. The required amounts of dietary calories of an active person are higher than those of the average, but vary depending on the age and weight of the person. So what happens if active people don't eat enough? Their bodies are less likely to achieve peak performance and may even break down rather than build up muscles. This chart is a guide for both males and females of various ages and body weights. It also includes an additional chart which displays the calories needed when partaking in certain activities. : (calories added/subtracted according to previous chart tables) As you can see from the tables

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