Diego Hidalgo Case Solution

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What mistakes did Diego make in the in the way he behaved during his 8 months at Innovaciones Metalúrgicas? Diego Hidalgo made several mistakes during the first eight months at Innovaciones Metalúrgicas. Mistakes found were categorized under two criteria: mistakes that affected his relationship with Gloria and mistakes that affected the relationship with his colleagues. Mistakes affecting Diego’s relationship with Gloria Mistake #1: Deviating from the tasks he was hired to perform Diego was hired at Innovaciones Metalúrgicas to perform two specific tasks: to work alone in a set of technical problems that the company was facing with Tungsten and Nickel alloys, and attending the weekly coordination meetings where progress on projects was presented and discussed. After four months Diego delivered his first proposal to Gloria, which was directly related to solving the first task. After discussing the proposal with Diego, Gloria dismissed it based on justified technical reasons, which he acknowledged were valid. Diego then decided to move to another project and two months later, he presented a second proposal to Gloria. However this proposal was not related in any way to his first proposal or the tasks he was hired to perform. Diego failed to focus on his job and instead channeled his efforts on another proposal that was unrelated to his area of responsibility and that he was unqualified to evaluate. Mistake #2: Submitting proposals outside his area of expertise Two of the four proposals that Diego submitted to Gloria were focused on organizational aspects. Although Gloria invited him to contribute to the extent he felt competent in the weekly coordination meetings, Diego failed to assess his skills and strengths properly. Diego had an undergraduate degree in Industrial Engineering, two years of work experience, and an MBA. Instead of concentrating on his

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