Did The Constitution Make A Mistake

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If America makes one tiny mistake everything we fought for, all the soldiers who does from war, will be lost. Many Americans are wanting to adopt this kind of government; others have too scared in what the Constitution will do to America. For years, we were under the rule of a powerful king. King George. We are now not under his rule and we are going to be ruled over branches? These branches would have too much power and make the state courts weak. Having three branches of government, could be a very bad mistake. If one branch doesnt agree with the other two, a huge fight, war could break and we could easily be taken over by France, Britain or even Spain. But, right now, we are our biggest threat, and those three countries are waiting for us to crumble down and make the mistake. To ratify the constitution. Congress had made of several rich white men who only care about two things, their own state, and money. By putting American those hands we are just asking for Loss in money and loss in our state. We have nothing to say in what happens. When the Constitution is ratified, there will not be a trial by jury; the government would over power every case that is brought to them. The government could tax all of us with a justified reason if they wanted to. They could start a war with any country.…show more content…
Many people will see that we have no say in anything that happens. We had more representation when we were ruled by England. Congress will have all the power in what goes on. And what if our country goes bankrupt? There is no way for us to predict that every American will have a job. If the Constitution is ratified we cannot disagree with the government. They will become corrupt and Americans will have to endure whatever mess they get us into. Sure, America needs to be protected and secure but will the Constitution really do provide that? The Constitution will only cause war between
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