Did the Chinese Life-Style, Society System and Philosophy Enhance or Inhibit the Advancement of Science and Technology in Classical China, as Asserted by Needham? Do You Agree with His Assertion

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Joseph Needham have analysed the development of science and technology in ancient China from various aspects, including life-style, society system and philosophy. First of all, Chinese were believed to be lack of interest to engage too far in theory, especially geometrical theory1. They put more emphasis on practical use of an invention, rather than examining the mechanism behind in detail. However, Needham believed that it does not have much inhibitory on the advancement of science and technology in classical China. Secondly, the perennialism of China was an “organic materialism”. Metaphysical idealism, which means the existence of material substance is comprised of mind, was never dominant in China1. People in ancient China also believe that every phenomenon is interrelated in an arranged order but not Mechanism, which is the opposite of it. Needham believed that this kind of view towards nature may actually help the development of Chinese scientific thinking and certain science, such as field theory. Lastly, the unique society system of that time is a double-bladed sword, as stated as Needham. The ancient China was adapting a system called “bureaucratic feudalism”, which only one feudal lord (emperor) ruled the country with bureaucracy, “the non-hereditary civil servant”1. The bureaucracies were selected according to their talent, and the social statue of scholarly administrator is much higher than acquisitive merchant. As the result, applied sciences, which can stabilize or support the society such as calendar and astronomy, are regarded as orthodox by the scholar-gentry and more favorable1. On the contrary, other sciences, such as alchemy, were less lucky and often being ignored. Also, the experiment and observation data are in semi-secrecy1, leading to the failure of spreading and flourishing of some science, such as

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