Dialects Just as Acceptable in Public Places

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Dialects just as acceptable in public places Mandarin is popular in our country, and it has finer influence on our life. Therefore, mandarin should be used in every public places. And dialects, as sorts of local languages, have their own demerits. It would disappear in someday. First, mandarin is a superimposed, socially prestigious dialect. It is the language employed by the government and the judiciary system, used by the mass media, and taught in educational institutions, including school settings. It is a particular variety of a language in that it is not related to any particular group of language of language users, but it is the variety which any member of a speech community can possibly use regardless of his social and geographical backgrounds, his gender and age. When I was a child, I spoke dialect in my home, in any places but class. And I knew that someone thought dialect is embarrassing and bad, because people can know where you come from through your accent. If you come from a remote, poor little village, you will encounter prejudice on the part of those who come from rich area. If you learn the local dialect and you meet with a local shopkeeper, you are lucky enough to receive better service, and he will not cheat on you. Otherwise, it is no use for you. Second, only a small part of people can understand the dialects which beyond to other area. If we use more dialects in public places, it will causes language chaos and added problems on society. For example, the same traditional custom in different places will have different meanings; the same color in different areas means different things. Sometimes, yoyo will say “Bitch!” to her dear friends, because in her hometown, this word means piquant and clever. But, we will think that she is calling her friends` names. This is the language problem origins by dialects. Therefore, I prefer to
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