Diabetes In Australia Essay

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Diabetes-related death rates are steadily decreasing In 2007, nearly 7,500 Australians died from diabetes and causes related to diabetes. This is 5.4% of all deaths in that year. Between 1997 and 2007, deaths from diabetes-related causes dropped by 16%, from 39 to 32 deaths per 100,000 population, taking into account differences in age structure over time (Figure 1). Figure 1: Diabetes-related deaths, 1997–2007 Notes 1. Directly age-standardised to the 2001 Australian population. 2. Refer to Table 1 for coding details for diabetes deaths and diabetes-related deaths. 3. 2007 Cause of Death data are not complete. Source: AIHW National Mortality Database. Table 2 For more information see Diabetes indicators in Australia. More than half of…show more content…
Figure 2: Age-standardised prevalence of medium, high and very high psychological distress among people aged 18 years and over, by diabetes status and sex, 2007–08 Source: AIHW analysis of ABS 2007–08 National Health Survey Confidentialised Unit Record File. Table 3 For more information see Diabetes and poor mental health and wellbeing: an exploratory analysis. Diabetes expenditure accounted for 2% of total disease expenditure In 2004–05, almost $990 million was spent on diabetes. Of this, 38% was on hospital admitted patients, 29% on out-of-hospital medical services, 28% on prescription pharmaceuticals and 6% on research. This does not account for out of pocket expenses or NDSS subsidies. Table 1: Diabetes mellitus expenditure, 2004–05 Area of expenditure $ million Hospital admitted patients (a) 371 Out-of-hospital medical services 288 Prescription pharmaceuticals (b)(c) 275 Research 55 Total expenditure
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